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Summary of Committees’ recent meetings – 10 October 2019

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee members elect Mr. Ziyad Jabbar (PUK) as new chair

8 October - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami supervised the meeting of the Committee to elect their new chair. The meeting was attended by the Parliament Secretary, Muna Kahveci, the committee’s deputy chair and members. Mr. Ziyad Jabbar Mohammed (PUK) was elected with nine votes out of 11.

MPs discussed the outcomes of their recent visit to Baghdad and Malaysia. The meeting also discussed the reform bill, which was discussed by the KRG with Parliament’s joint committee.

MPs decided to send an official letter to the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to take appropriate action against the University of Halabja, in the light of the report of the Office of Financial Audit.

Committee on Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel, Tourism, Reconstruction and Investment

 8 October - The committee led by the chair Mr. Hawre Mala Star (PUK) held their regular meeting to discuss the bill (draft law) on illegally taken or occupied land. The first reading of the bill has already taken place, and the bill’s second reading is expected to take place soon. The meeting decided to send the final draft of the bill to Parliament's Presidency for its second reading.

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

8 October - The committee’s chair, deputy chair and MPs visited the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and met the Minister, Dr. Aram Mohammed. They discussed several issues including giving jobs to the three highest ranking students of each department.

The also discussed with the ministry the current non-recognition of the universities of Hadba, Nur, Al-Kitab and Al-Qalam by the KRG. These universities are in Kurdistani areas outside the KRG Administrative Area. The meeting decided to form a committee to discuss the recognition of those universities with the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

They also discussed the problems faced by the colleges of education in Akre and Makhmur, the problem of higher education at universities outside the KRG administrative area, and reducing student fees in the Region’s private universities.

Two committees discuss adoption of Iraq’s amended law of 2010 on protection of Iraqi products

8 October - The Agriculture and Irrigation Committee and the Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee discussed adopting and enacting in Kurdistan Iraq’s amended law on the protection of Iraqi products of 2010.

They also discussed agricultural lands that have been used by oil companies.

The committees decided to direct their notes to the government.

Kurdistan Parliament’s and Iraqi Council of Representatives’ respective Agriculture and Irrigation Committees hold joint meeting

8 October- Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee held a meeting with the respective committee of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and reiterated the need for cooperation between the ministries of agriculture in Kurdistan Region and in Iraq and between the agriculture committees in the two Parliaments.

They also discussed the issue of paying farmers for their wheat harvest, which has been approved and needs a decision by Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.

The meeting also decided to inform all political parties not to embroil farmers and agricultural lands in their political problems.

Peshmerga, Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

8 October - The committee led by chair Mr. Reving Hiruri (KDP) visited the KRG Interior Ministry and were welcomed by Minister Rebar Ahmad. The discussed the complaints and requests from the public and decided to have more cooperation regarding proposed instructions and bills.

The Minister said that his Ministry has started reform to serve the public and will always maintain a policy of serving the people regardless of their ethnicity, religion or politics.

On the same day, the committee welcomed the members of several social and intellectual organizations. They discussed complaints and requests from Peshmerga forces, especially equalizing their salaries to match those of Iraqi forces.

The committee also welcomed Peshmerga soldiers who participated in the war against ISIS in Kobane. The committee discussed their requests and problems and decided to award them medals of appreciation.

The committee members visited prison guards in Kurdistan’s prisons. They asked the committee to consider them as forces of the Interior Ministry because they work as armed security forces in the prisons. The committee promised to follow up on their request.

Social Affairs, Protection of Women's Rights, and Human Rights Committee

8 October - The committee led by the chair Mr. Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition) welcomed the members of a family from Soran city who have a social problem. They submitted to the committee the necessary documents to prove their case. The committee promised the family to follow up on their issue.

On the same day, the committee welcomed Ms. Rania Haddadin, the head of a human rights NGO in Jordan. They discussed mechanisms for mutual cooperation and sharing expertise and experience of legislation on human rights, women’s rights, and social affairs.