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Committee on Social Affairs meet with social work directorates and stakeholders in Duhok

18 September – The chair and MPs of Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Social Affairs, Protection of Women’s Rights and Human Rights visited the city of Duhok and met with the General Directorate on Protecting and Developing Social Affairs. They discussed the problems faced by the directorates, and the staff suggested to the MPs relevant draft legislation that would help the sector. The committee members pledged to follow up on the issues raised in the meeting.

The MP also visited a women’s shelter, the Directorate of the Social Protection Network,
and the directorates of children’s homes, old people’s homes and met with the representatives of people with disabilities, to learn more about their needs and wishes.

On 19 September the committee visited the Directorate on Combatting Violence against Women to listen to their problems and discuss possible solutions. They also visited men’s and women’s prisons and pledged to follow up on their demands. The MPs visited Dohuk’s Labour Syndicate, Directorate of Labour, Directorate of Social Security and the Directorate of Vocational Training. The committee documented their requests and suggestions.