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Committees' recent meetings – 3 September 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities: 

Integrity, Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee works on complaints about household water meters

1st September - The committee met to discuss the public’s complaints about water meters and about the company that installed the meters. The MPs decided to direct the complaints and demands to Parliament’s Presidency and to summon the KRG Minister of Municipalities and other relevant parties to explain the issue. The committee also decided that they will ask to waive fines on residents who have not installed the meter by the 1st September deadline. The meeting was led by the chair Ms. Shirin Amin (Change Movement).

Education. Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee will work to reduce private universities’ and institutes’ student fees

1st September - The committee discussed fees charged by private institutes and universities and decided that they will work to get the fees reduced. The committee members decided to visit the ministries of Education and of Higher Education and Scientific Research. They also discussed their plans and priorities for the autumn legislative session, and recent requests and complaints sent by the public. The meeting was led by the chair Mr. Abdulsalam Dolmari (KDP).

Legislative Affairs Committee will work on Iraq's law on narcotics and on problems faced by court petitioners

1st September - The committee discussed the official letters directed to them by Parliament’s Presidency. One letter asks the committee to look further into the problems faced by petitioners in the Kurdistan Region’s judicial system. The other letter is on enacting Iraq’s Law No. 50 of 2017 on narcotics. The Iraqi law differentiates between drug dealers and users, but the Kurdistan Parliament has not yet enacted it into law in Kurdistan Region. The committee decided to report to Parliament’s Presidency about the two issues. The meeting was led by the committee chair Mr. Bizhar Kocher (KDP).