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Deputy Speaker and cross-party group of MPs visit Baghdad for talks with Iraqi Parliament’s Kurdish blocs and Asian Parliamentary Assembly meeting

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 3 September led a Kurdistan Parliament delegation to Baghdad. Mr. Hawrami and the cross-party group of MPs will meet Kurdistani parties in the Iraqi Council of Representatives to strengthen their coordination on Iraqi legislation that affects Kurdistan. They are also taking part in a meeting of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly's budget and planning committee. 

The Kurdistan Regional Government Representative in Baghdad and several Kurdish MPs of the Iraqi Parliament received the delegation. Deputy Speaker Hawrami and the Kurdish MPs discussed the latest developments, and Mr. Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Parliament wants to resolve all outstanding problems with Iraq based on dialogue and the federal Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami also said that the Kurdistan Parliament wants to strengthen relations with the Iraqi Council of Representatives, and wants the Iraqi Council of Representatives to take Kurdistan Parliament’s views into account before approving legislation, which should be based on the Iraqi Constitution guaranteeing the rights of Kurdistan’s people.

Iraqi bills and laws such as the Financial Management Law and the Provincial Elections Law pass through the Iraqi Parliament, despite having a negative impact on the Kurdistan Region and the disputed territories.

Mr. Hawrami hopes to resolve the problems through dialogue. He also hopes that the Kurdish political parties will participate in the Iraqi provincial elections on one list in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area.