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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly in Baghdad

The Kurdistan Parliament delegation in Baghdad headed by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 3 September met with the Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), Dr. Mohammad Reza Majidi.

Dr. Majidi briefed the MPs about the history of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA). He said he was very pleased to meet with the Kurdistan Parliament cross-party group and hoped to develop their relations.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami briefed Dr. Majidi on the history and the political components of the Kurdistan Parliament, and thanked the Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Mohammad Al-Halbousi for inviting them to the APA committee meeting in Baghdad.

Mr. Hawrami said that the APA’s meeting next year could be held in the Kurdistan Region, since Iraq is a federal state and the region has a constitutional right to be included in these activities. He said that it would be an opportunity for APA members to see the democracy and peaceful coexistence enjoyed by the Kurdistan Region.