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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with heads of standing committees

Deputy Speaker, Heman Hawrami on 15 September chaired a meeting of the heads of the Parliamentary standing committees. The Deputy Speaker briefed them on Kurdistan Parliament’s meeting in Baghdad with the Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives (ICOR), Dr. Bashir Haddad, and ICOR MPs in the Kurdistani parliamentary blocs, which was held to strengthen bilateral parliament relations. 
Deputy Speaker Hawrami called on the Kurdistan Parliament committees to increase their cooperation with the ICOR's Kurdish blocs and to cooperate with the standing committees in the ICOR, for the good of the Kurdistani people. He also called on them to benefit from each others' experiences and to hold periodic joint meetings.
Mr Hawrami outlined how MPs can invite guests to their committees and stated that MPs must follow the provisions of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure and follow their meeting agendas.
The meeting also discussed scrutiny of the government and how to direct official letters to Parliament’s Presidency.
MPs posed some questions about the topics raised in the meeting.