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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs congratulate Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on 49th anniversary

On the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs congratulated the union. Mr. Hawrami asked the union to help protect Kurdistan’s peaceful coexistence between different religious and ethnic communities.

Mr. Hawrami and MPs from Parliament’s Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee and from the different parliamentary blocks were welcomed by the union’s head, Mulla Abdullah Waisy and members of the executive office.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami, on behalf of Parliament’s Presidency, congratulated the Kurdistan Islamic Scholar’s Union and said that the Union plays a key role in nurturing and protecting the peaceful coexistence between the different religions and components in the region. “We hope that the Union, which was founded by Mullah Mustafa Barzani in 1970 plays a greater role in strengthening coexistence in the Kurdistan Region.”

The Deputy Speaker asked the union to contribute positively to drafting a Kurdistan Constitution, to the reform process and to the protecting the constitutional rights of the people of Kurdistan.

Mulla Abdullah Waisy thanked Mr. Hawrami and the other MPs, and stressed that they would make efforts to strengthen their relations with Sunni and Shiite Islamic scholars in Iraq, to work to achieve the rights of the people of Kurdistan.