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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci welcome France’s new Consul General Mr. Olivier Decottignies

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Secretary Kahveci welcomed Mr. Olivier Decottignies, the new French Consul General and offered him their full support for the Consulate’s activities in Kurdistan Region. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan values its close partnership with France, which has a special place in the hearts and minds of the Kurdish people.

Mr. Hawrami said that France has come to Kurdistan’s aid at critical moments. Consul General Decottignies said, “Our intent is to support Kurdistan Region through good and bad times,” and that the stability of Iraq and Kurdistan Region are important to France. He was pleased to meet a citizen of Halabja, Deputy Speaker Hawrami’s home town, because of Halabja’s importance in Kurdistan’s history.

Mr. Decottignies said that the French parliament and Ministry of Foreign Affairs follow Kurdistan Region with great interest, and France values Kurdistan’s peaceful coexistence between ethnicities and communities. Parliament Secretary Ms. Muna Kahveci briefed Mr. Decottignies on the political participation and representation of Turkmen, Christians and Armenians which are enshrined in Kurdistan’s legislation.

They discussed visits to strengthen relations. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the French Senate has invited Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq to visit, and a large French parliament delegation was in Kurdistan in July. President Emmanuel Macron hopes to visit Iraq and Kurdistan Region in the future.    

Deputy Speaker Hawrami briefed Consul General Decottignies on the KRG’s improved relations and the current dialogue with the Iraqi government to resolve outstanding issues, the KRG’s reform agenda and the legislation that must be passed in Parliament to get it underway, and drafting a Kurdistan Constitution. He also updated Mr. Decottignies on Parliament’s very encouraging meetings with Kurdistan’s political forces to get them all behind policies and legislation that are in the national interest.