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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes Head of UNHCR in Iraq, Ayman Gharaibeh

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 18th September welcomed Mr. Ayman Gharaibeh, the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative in Iraq. The Deputy Speaker asked the UNHCR to raise their voice against the recent Iraqi legislation that prevents IDPs from voting in the next Iraqi provincial elections. Mr. Gharaibeh said that Kurdistan Region’s support for IDPs and refugees has been outstanding.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Mr. Gharaibeh expressed their shared concern that IDPs cannot return to their home towns because of a lack of security, poor governance, lack of services and job opportunities. They agreed that the situation in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area and in Ninevah prevents IDPs from returning.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Region cannot by itself support the huge influx of IDPs and refugees, which in 2014 increased Kurdistan’s population by 28%. The help of the international community, international agencies and the UNHCR is essential, he added.

Mr. Hawrami said, “The culture of Kurdistan’s people of coexistence and tolerance made it possible for us to embrace so many refugees and IDPs.”

Mr. Gharaibeh thanked the Kurdistan Region’s authorities for their outstanding cooperation with UNHCR to support IDPs and Syrian refugees. He said he is hopeful that the KRG and the Government of Iraq can resolve their outstanding disagreements.

Mr. Hawrami asked the UNHCR to raise their voice against Article 16 of the Iraqi Provincial Elections Law, which effectively prevents IDPs from voting in the provincial elections by stipulating that they must go to their provinces to vote. There is no plan to allow IDPs to vote in their IDP camps. The Deputy Speaker said that this violates their constitutional right to vote. 

Ms. Ita Schuette, UNHCR’s Kurdistan Region Coordinator, also participated in the meeting.