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In Baghdad Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs meet Iran, Jordan and Kuwait parliamentarians

During their visit to Baghdad, Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and a cross-party group of MPs met with MPs from the parliaments of Iran, Jordan and Kuwait. It was a great opportunity for the Kurdistan Parliament to explore developing closer relations with their parliaments. 

Meeting with Iranian Parliament MPs

In their meeting with the Iranian parliament delegation on 4 September, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Region and Iran have relations spanning many years, and at many points Iran has helped Kurdistan Region. He said that with two Iranian consulates in Kurdistan Region and good economic and political relations, there is scope to develop their parliamentary relations as well. The Iranian MPs said that they also hope to increase ties with the Kurdistan Parliament and pledged to work with them to do so.

Meetings with MPs from Jordan and Kuwait

On the same day, the Kurdistan Parliament cross-party group had two separate meetings with MPs from Kuwait and Jordan, on the side of an Asian Parliamentary Assembly Budget and Planning Committee meeting. Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave the MPs of the Kuwaiti and Jordanian parliaments an overview of the Kurdistan Parliament’s formation, history and operations and he said that the Kurdistan Parliament is very keen to share experiences with other parliaments. The Jordanian and Kuwaiti MPs said that at the earliest opportunity they will visit the Kurdistan Parliament to develop closer ties.