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In Baghdad Kurdistan Parliament delegation met with Iraq’s Finance Minister Dr. Fuad Hussein and KRG Representative Faris Isa

A Kurdistan Parliament cross-party delegation headed by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami last week separately met with Iraq’s Finance Minister Dr. Fuad Hussein and the KRG Representative in Baghdad Mr. Faris Isa. They discussed the importance of the Kurdistan Parliament having a unified position towards relations with Baghdad.  

In their meeting with Minister Fuad Hussein, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said “We made several demands to our counterparts in Iraq, including amending Article 16 of the Iraqi provincial elections law, the civil service law, and reducing the tensions in Kirkuk, Shingal and other Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area.”

Mr. Hawrami briefed Dr. Hussein on their meetings with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Muhammad Halbousi, First Deputy Speaker Hassan Kaabi, Chair of the Oil and Gas Committee Hidayet Halbousi, some Kurdistani MPs, and other nations’ parliamentarians gathered at an Asian Parliamentary Assembly meeting.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami added that the Kurdistan Parliament supports the KRG’s strategy and steps to resolve outstanding problems with the Iraqi government, within the framework of the Iraqi constitution. He asked the Iraqi Finance Minister to support the KRG’s efforts to protect the Kurdistan Region’s share of the budget in the Iraq 2020 budget law.

Dr. Hussein welcomed the delegation and commended the Kurdistan Parliament MPs’ unified position in its policy of strengthening relations with Baghdad. He said, “The negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad will continue and both sides have positive initiatives,” and he highlighted the importance of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq’s political process.

Minister Hussein added that there should be mechanism between the Iraqi and Kurdistan parliaments, so that when the Iraqi Parliament works on new laws it takes into consideration the Kurdistan Parliament’s suggestions and does not have a negative impact on the people of Kurdistan’s rights and interests.”

Kurdistan Parliament cross-party group meet new KRG Representative in Baghdad Mr. Faris Isa

The Kurdistan Parliament cross-party group in their meeting with Mr. Faris Isa, the new Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representative in Baghdad, discussed the outstanding problems between Kurdistan Region and Iraq and stressed the need to resolve all the problems through the Iraqi Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that now is a great opportunity for the Kurdistan Region as all the Kurdistani parliamentary blocs have made national issues their priority, and Erbil and Baghdad are taking positive steps towards solving outstanding problems according to the Iraqi constitution.