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Kurdistan Parliament delegation in Baghdad participates in meeting of Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s Budget and Planning Committee

A Kurdistan Parliament delegation to Baghdad headed by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami participated in a conference of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly’s Budget and Planning Committee on 4 September. At the conference the Kurdistan Parliament MPs said they will work to build closer relations with other nations’ parliaments.

Speaking to the media at the conference, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that now in its fifth term, the Kurdistan Parliament intends to step up its diplomacy and to benefit from the experiences of other parliaments.

On Iraq’s provincial elections law, Mr. Hawrami stated that the Kurdistan Parliament delegation is meeting the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Iraq, Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and will submit the Kurdistan Region’s protest against Article 16 of the law which prevents IDPs from Nineveh, Kirkuk, Tuz Khurmatu and Shingal from casting their votes outside their home towns.

Regarding Erbil-Baghdad relations, Mr Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Parliament supports the KRG in its negotations with Iraq, to resolve the outstanding problems within the framework of the Iraqi Constitution.