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Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency meet with Kurdistan Communist Party

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament led by Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 11 September visited the Kurdistan Communist Party (KCP) and were welcomed by Dr. Kawa Mahmoud, Secretary of the KCP Central Committee and members of the politburo. Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Qahwachi also participated in the meeting.

The Kurdistan Parliament delegation said that the aim of their recent meetings with each political force is to achieve unity on critical issues that affect the Kurdistan Region, such as drafting a Kurdistan Constitution, supporting the Kurdistan Regional Government’s agenda and reforms,  and the negotiations between the KRG and the Federal Government of Iraq. They also called on all Kurdistan’s political parties to create a joint electoral list for the Iraqi Provincial elections.

Dr. Kawa Mahmoud commended Parliament’s presidency for reaching out to all parties and said such steps are important. He said that the KCP give their full support to the Kurdistan Parliament on drafting a Constitution and agree on unifying all political forces around facing the challenges. The nation’s interests must come before party interests, he said.