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Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency meet with Kurdistan Islamic Group

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 11 September visited the Kurdistan Islamic Group (KIG) and met with its leader Mr. Ali Bapir to discuss having a unified stance on critical issues in the national interest and on drafting a Kurdistan Constitution.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci said that Parliament’s Presidency wants to create a positive atmosphere of unity and stability with the KIG and all the political forces.

They are asking all parties to be united behind the KRG’s reform agenda and drafting a Kurdistan constitution in the current term of Parliament. They discussed the need for political partners to support the KRG’s negotiations with the federal government to secure Kurdistan’s rights. They asked all the political parties to participate in the Iraqi Provincial Council elections.

Mr. Bapir thanked Parliament’s Presidency for meeting with the KIG and all the political forces, and gave his support to Parliament. He said that he is ready to help Parliament with the reform process and drafting a constitution. Both sides agreed to help unite political groups and to put Kurdistan’s interests above party interests.