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Kurdistan Parliament welcomes HDP delegation led by Co-Chair Sezai Temelli

The Kurdistan Parliament headed by Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 8 September welcomed a delegation from Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party (HDP), led by its Co-Chair Sezai Temelli. Dr. Faiq said that the Kurdistan Parliament supports achieving the rights of Kurds in Turkey through dialogue and peaceful means.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Secretary Muna Kahveci and the heads of the parliamentary blocks also participated in the meeting.

The HDP representatives described the current political situation in Turkey and the status of the Kurdish people; they asked the Kurdistan Parliament to support them in their struggle to achieve their rights.

Dr Faiq said that both the Kurdistan Parliament and Regional Government support the peaceful struggle of Kurds and all nations. She urged them to find solutions through dialogue and mutual understanding. Dr. Faiq pointed to Kurdistan Region’s current dialogue with the Iraqi government, where Kurds have decided to achieve their rights peacefully.

Speaker Faiq said that Kurdistan Region safeguards the peaceful coexistence among the different ethnic and religious communities. She said, “We resolutely believe in the principles of democracy and acceptance of other views, this is why we want to support a peaceful Kurdish struggle in Turkey.” 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami that the Kurdistan Parliament is concerned by the dismissal of Kurdish heads of municipalities in Turkey, describing it as an attack on democracy.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami echoed that Kurdistan Parliament believes in achieving rights through peaceful means, and will encourage and support any attempts to resolve problems peacefully. Referring to the political participation, representation and protection of rights of all communities that is enshrined in Kurdistan Region’s laws, Mr. Hawrami said, “What you are witnessing now in the Kurdistan Parliament is the fruit of peaceful coexistence between the different components of Kurdistan.”

“Kurdistan Region is a constitutional entity that has its own parliament and government, Kurdistan respects international law and we will not allow Kurdistan Region’s territory to be used for attacking our neighbours,” Mr Hawrami added.

Deputy Speaker asked that other political parties respect Kurdistan Region’s constitutional status.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci briefed the HDP delegation on the peaceful coexistence between different communities and religions in Kurdistan Region and the legislation that protects their rights, freedoms, political participation and representation.