MPs vote in amendments to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr Rewas Faiq on 29 September chaired the Parliament’s third sitting of the autumn session at which MPs voted on first amendments to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure. Some of the key changes that MPs approved by majority votes were to increase the number of standing committees from 15 to 19 so that MPs can be more focused in their committee work and aims. Women’s rights will now have a dedicated committee. Another major change was to allow MPs to keep their parliamentary seat in the event that they leave their party. MPs also voted in favour of stipulating that at least one member of Parliament's Presidency Board must be a woman.
MPs voted on the first amendments to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure. The Legislative Committee read the proposed draft, based on the Committee’s final report, and MPs voted on each amendment. The changes that were approved by majority votes were:
- The definition of terms in the internal rules. Some words were added to the list of definitions, which was approved by majority vote. The Speaker suggested including the approved amendments and reorganizing Article 78.
- Some MPs and the Legislative Committee’s report suggested amending Article 10 of the Internal Rules of Procedure, so that at least one member of Parliament’s Presidency must be a woman. The Speaker put this suggestion to vote, and it was approved unanimously.
- Change “Presidency” to “Presidency Board”.
- Rearrangement of the paragraphs of Article 24 on parliamentary immunity.
- Article 25, paragraph 2 on how parliament deals with voluntary resignation by an MP.
- Increase the number of standing committees from 15 to 19. Women’s Rights will have a dedicated committee, and will no longer be part of the Social Affairs and Human Rights Committee. The following two committees will be divided into two each, to help them to focus their work: Integrity, Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee; and the Committee on Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Tourism, Construction and Investment.
- Some paragraphs of Articles 42, 44, 79 and 110 were amended by unanimous vote.
The Speaker put the entire amended draft to the vote, and 91 MPs of the 111-seat legislature voted in favour.
MPs suggested deleting paragraph 7 of Article 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the method of electing Parliament’s presidency. However, the proposed change did not garner enough votes and was rejected.
Amendment of Article 20 on the powers of the Parliament Secretary was also proposed, but was rejected by the majority of MPs.
The sitting was attended by MPs and Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and the Secretary Muna Kahveci.