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Parliament’s Presidency visits PUK Deputy Secretary General Kosrat Rasul

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 9th September visited Mr. Kosrat Rasul Ali, the Deputy Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). Speaker Faiq was accompanied by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci.

Parliament's Presidency informed Mr. Rasul about their meetings with the political parties as part of their efforts to strengthen Parliament’s relations with all the main political organizations, and to achieve consensus on issues in the national interest, most importantly drafting the Kurdistan Constitution, supporting the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) agenda, carrying out reforms and supporting the KRG’s negotiations with the Iraqi government.

The meeting stressed the need for strong relations between Parliament and political parties to support the legislative process. The PUK’s Deputy Secretary General reaffirmed his party’s support for Parliament’s efforts and hoped that they will be successful in legislation and scrutinizing the government. Both sides stressed the importance of drafting the Kurdistan Constitution through national consensus. 

They also stressed the political parties’ support in carrying out reforms in government institutions, and Parliament’s important role in this. They also centered on the importance of political party’s support for the KRG’s negotiations with the Iraqi government to ensure Kurdistan’s constitutional and financial rights.