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Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee discusses creating a Kurdistan-UK parliament friendship group, and Iraqi passport renewal problems

The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and MPs held their regular meeting on 18 September. They discussed the meeting of Parliament’s presidency with the chairs of the Kurdistani blocs in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in which the Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee also participated. The committee decided to increase their coordination with the Foreign Relations Committee of the Iraqi Council of Representatives.

The chair of the committee Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP) briefed the members on a recent meeting with a delegation from the UK Parliament and Unite trade union. Dr. Babkayi asked the UK delegation to establish together a friendship group between MPs of the Kurdistan and UK parliaments. The committee decided to work on the recommendation.

The committee also discussed the problems that citizens face when they try to renew their Iraqi passports outside Iraq. The committee decided to contact the Iraqi Council of Representatives’ Foreign Relations Committee to help resolve the passport renewal problems.