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Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets with Germany's Consul General Barbara Wolf

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 18 September met Germany's Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Ms. Barbara Wolf. The Speaker thanked Germany for their support in the war against ISIS, in particular in terms of logistical and financial support and training for the Peshmerga forces.

Speaker Faiq said that Kurdistan Region wants to have close bilateral ties with Germany in tourism and investment. Kurdistan Region has an abundance of natural resources to offer investors, she said, and investment by German companies would help to increase Kurdistan's expertise.

The Speaker discussed the Kurdistan Parliament’s priorities of achieving national consensus on drafting a Kurdistan Constitution, carrying out reforms and the unification of the Peshmerga forces. She referred to the constitutional violations of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the Iraqi Government against the rights of the Kurdistani people, especially in the Iraq Provincial Councils Election Law which deprives IDPs of their right to vote outside their provinces. The Kurdistan Parliament insists on negotiations with the Iraqi government to reach an agreement that secures Kurdistan’s rights within the framework of the Constitution, she said.

Consul General Wolf thanked Dr. Faiq for their detailed discussion and promised to continue  support to the Peshmerga forces. She hopes that Erbil and Baghdad can reach an agreement based on mutual understanding for the benefit of the Kurdistani and Iraqi people.