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Summary of Committees’ meetings – 17 September 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities: 

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee meets with people from Makhmour District

16 September - The Committee welcomed citizens of Makhmour District who asked them to support their demands to reopen the district’s Education College and to help students who want to study a Bachelors degree in line with the parallel system at the Kurdistan Region’s universities. They also asked the committee members to support their local civil society organizations who want to run awareness campaigns to prevent young children from leaving school.  The Committee Members supported their demands and pledged to follow up their requests. The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and MPs attended the meeting.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

16 September- The chair and members of the committee welcomed artists and intellectuals of Erbil. The delegation asked the committee to help resolve the dispute between Wafaiy House Library and well-known Kurdish author and intellectual Dr. Farhad Pirbal, who is accused of burning down the library. They asked the committee to help release Dr. Pirbal from prison.

The committee chair and MPs supported their request for help and pledged to direct their demand to the Parliament Presidency. The Committee also decided to visit Dr. Pirbal in prison.

Committee on Kurdistan Areas outside KRG Administrative Area Committee

16 September - The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and MPs held their regular meeting and discussed the requests from people outside the KRG administrative Areas, including the problems faced by students. The committee decided to follow up on the public’s demands and to invite officials from the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The meeting was attended by Mr. Sardar Harki, a lawyer assigned to register a lawsuit against the Iraq Provincial Elections Law passed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives. He briefed the MPs on preparations for the case.