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Summary of committees' recent meetings - 19 September 2019

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

18 September - The chair and members of the committee welcomed staff members of Helena Centre for children with disabilities. The Helena Centre staff briefed the committee on their activities, training courses and decisions to assist children with disabilities. They asked the committee to help them resolve their financial and logistic problems. The committee promised to visit their centre in the future to learn more about their problems.

On the same day, the committee visited representatives of the office for fairness and adjudication in medicine. They asked the committee to enact in the Kurdistan Region Iraq’s Law No. 37 of 2013, on the rights of physicians and Health Ministry employees. The committee promised the representatives to support their recommendations. 

The Committee on Social Affairs, Protection of Women’s Rights and Human Rights

16 September - The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and MPs held their regular meeting and discussed their recent visit to Slemani. 

They decided to visit the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Ministry of Labour to establish mechanisms to increase cooperation between the committee and the ministry, which will help to solve the public’s problems.  

The committee decided to visit Dohuk to learn the challenges facing people in Duhok and to help find solutions.