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Summary of committees' recent meetings - 25 September 2019

Integrity, Parliament Affairs & Complaints Committee

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities: 

Integrity, Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee visits Garmian

24 September - The committee’s chair and deputy chair visited Garmian Administration in Slemani governorate, and met with Garmian’s investigating judge for the Board of Integrity, Dr. Qasim Ismael. Dr. Ismael explained the problems and barriers that impede anti-corruption process in Garmian, and discussed the case of two directors charged with corruption which was submitted to the court some time ago.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

24 September - The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and members held their regular meeting to discuss the last draft of the bill on advertising, which was prepared by the committee’s MPs and advisers. The meeting approved the bill and agreed to direct it to Parliament’s Presidency. The aim of the bill is to regulate and reorganize advertising in the region. The committee’s chair Mr. Luqman Wardy (PUK) briefed the MPs on their visit to Slemani, and said that the committee will brief the Presidency next week.    

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area

24 September - The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and members welcomed the Head of Ninevah’s Provincial Council, Mr. Saido Chato. They discussed the problems faced by people in Shingal and Zumar which are in the disputed areas of the governorate. Mr. Chato briefed MPs on the decreasing Kurdish population in those areas due to conflict, insecurity and poor governance. He said that this will negatively affect the Kurdish vote in the coming provincial elections in the disputed areas.  MPs asked Mr. Chato to provide them with all the relevant data and said that they are ready to take the necessary steps.

Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee

24 September - The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and members held their regular meeting to discuss three bills directed to the committee. They also discussed the decisions that came out of a meeting between Kurdistan Parliament MPs and Kurdistani MPs of the Iraqi Council of Representatives. The meeting also discussed the high price of gasoline in the region, and MPs made suggestions about how this can be tackled.