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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Jordan’s Consul General discuss Coronavirus and latest political developments

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 27 April met with Jordan’s Consul General to Kurdistan Region, Dr. Haitham Abu Alfoul. Consul General Alfoul commended Kurdistan Region’s swift response to the Coronavirus outbreak and he hoped for a resolution to the outstanding issues with Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the close historic ties with Kurdistan, and said that Kurdistan Region hopes to strengthen these ties in all areas.

The Deputy Speaker and Jordan’s Consul General exchanged views on how to overcome the current health and economic challenges. They also discussed the Iraqi Federal Government’s recent unconstitutional decision to halt Kurdistan’s share of the budget. Both agreed that a swift and lasting solution is needed.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami noted that the KRG is ready to give all of its oil to the Iraqi Federal Government in return for Kurdistan Region's full financial rights.

Consul General Alfoul said that the Kingdom of Jordan hopes for close ties with Kurdistan Region to continue, and commended the KRG's Coronavirus containment measures. 

Dr. Alfoul said he hopes that the problems with Baghdad can be solved through dialogue.