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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami’s statement on 40th commemoration of genocide of Faili Kurds

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 April conveyed the following message on the 40th commemoration of the genocide of the Faili Kurds:

It is 40 years since the genocide against the Faili Kurds, who were forcibly displaced, deported, disappeared and stripped of their Iraqi nationality by the former Iraqi Ba’ath regime.

These crimes against the Faili Kurds were one of many chapters of crimes against the people of Kurdistan.

Simply because of their Kurdish ethnicity, the Faili Kurds were stripped of all their basic rights as citizens, their wealth was stolen and their property was taken and occupied.

The Failis were advanced and productive members of Iraqi society, and were leaders in Iraq’s commerce and economy.

Although the Iraqi High Court has recognised this crime against the Faili Kurds by the Ba’ath regime, we call on reparations to be made to them immediately, for their rights to be returned and their nationality to be restored.

We all must find the perpetrators and bring them to justice, which will serve as a reminder that we must never allow such crimes to happen again.