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Kurdistan Parliament sends best wishes to Yazidis on Charshama Sur, Yazidi New Year

The Kurdistan Parliament Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Religious Affairs Committee sent their best wishes to Yazidis for Charshama Sur, the Yazidi New Year.

Speaker Rewas Faiq wished for a return to normal life for all Yazidis in Kurdistan and around the world, and for a return to peace and their greater welfare.

Kurdistan’s diverse religious and ethnic communities are one of our nation’s strengths and reasons for our progress, the Speaker stated.

Speaker Faiq added that unfortunately it would not be possible for Yazidis to hold their normal celebrations due to the Coronavirus lockdown.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami noted that the Yazidis are one of the original and enduring and peoples of Kurdistan. They have suffered enormous adversity for refusing to give up their religion and culture, and they have overcome adversity, injustice and horrendous crimes to preserve their language, religion and dignity as part of the Kurdish nation.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Kurdistan Parliament will continue to press Iraq for reparations to the Yazidis for the crimes committed against them, and will continue to uphold the religious and linguistic rights and freedoms of Kurdistan’s diverse communities.

Parliament’s Religious Affairs Committee hoped that this Yazidi New Year will be one of peace and stability for Kurdistan and that it brings an end to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Religious Affairs Committee said that protecting the rights, culture and religion of the Yazidis is vital, and they hoped for peace, stability and reconstruction of the Yazidis’ areas.

The committee noted that Law No. 5 of 2015 guarantees the rights and freedoms of the religious and ethnic components of Kurdistan Region.