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MPs look into events that led to death of newborn baby from Balisan

Several Members of the Kurdistan Parliament on 12 April met with Governor of Erbil Firsat Sofi and staff of Erbil Maternity Hospital to look into the tragic death of a newborn child from Balisan subdistrict.

The pregnant wife of Aras Hassan was taken to Raparin Hospital in Qaladze on 9 April. From there she needed to travel to Erbil Maternity Hospital, but authorities in Balisan had blocked the road and closed the checkpoint, so that she was forced to wait for three hours before she was able to travel to Erbil city.

Erbil Maternity Hospital doctors and staff explained to the MPs their medical procedures to help the mother and baby, and the reasons for the newborn’s tragic death. 

The MPs decided to submit a report of their findings to the Presidency of Parliament, so that the Presidency ask the executive authorities to take the necessary action against those who committed a dereliction of duty.