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Parliament committees condemn rape of woman with disabilities in Kirkuk governorate

Three committees of the Kurdistan Parliament on 10 April issued the following joint statement condemning the rape of a women with disabilities in the town of Prde in Kirkuk governorate.

Certain individuals at Prde check point, between Erbil and Kirkuk, raped a woman with disabilities who was from a family with limited financial means.

This degenerate and inhuman crime is a violation of women's rights and shows the contempt in which Kurds are held under the rule of the military government in Kirkuk.

As the Kurdistan Parliament committees with responsibility for women’s rights, human rights and these Kurdistani areas, we condemn this crime in the strongest terms, and we call on the Iraqi parliament to form a special committee to investigate it. We demand that the relevant authorities bring those who committed this rape to justice in a military court.

To prevent the repeat of such acts as well as other crimes against the public, threats to their lives and their property, we call for the Peshmerga forces to return and protect the Kurdistani areas outside the Kurdistan Regional Government administrative area.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area

Committee on Protection of Women’s Rights

Committee on Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

10 April 2020