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Peshmerga committee condemns ISIS attack in Kolajo

Kurdistan Parliament’s Peshmerga Affairs Committee on 8 April issued the following statement condemning the attack by ISIS terrorists against Peshmerga forces in Kolajo subdistrict in Garmian:

We condemn the attack by ISIS terrorists on Peshmerga forces in Kolajo which killed two Peshmerga soldiers, Surkiu Rashid and Ismail Faris. We express our sincere condolences to their families.

Members of our committee visited the area to look into the security vacuum there and to follow up on the incident.

Our committee have many times raised our deep concerns to the international coalition forces and other relevant authorities about the security vacuum in areas between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi forces.

Despite this, the security gaps have not been resolved which has given terrorists ample opportunities to attack Peshmerga forces in those areas. We have insistently called on international coalition forces and the Iraqi security forces to provide more support to protect these areas.

Our committee in the course of our work have visited Peshmerga forces in the field to understand their needs and problems, and we have asked relevant authorities to provide the Peshmerga with more equipment, weapons, better living conditions and working methods.

We thank the Peshmerga for protecting our Region and for helping to combat the Coronavirus. We also thank all the security forces, police and healthcare workers at this challenging time.