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Committees' recent meetings - 13 December 2020

Peshmerga Committee

8 December- The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri (KDP), held their regular meeting. The main topic of the meeting was a subcommittee’s visits and investigations into the causes of unfairness and inequity in the work of the Peshmerga forces.

The committee also discussed a publication that they intend to put out about their work and activities, including all their meetings, visits, investigations, receptions and participation in events, as well as the main objectives and topics of the meetings. This is the first time that the standing committee’s work in Kurdistan Parliament will be archived in such a publication.

Finally, the committee read all the notes sent by the public, and after discussion some received replies and others were directed to Parliament’s presidency for further follow-up.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

8 December- Members of the committee Mala Waisi (KDP)and Faesal Qadir (PUK) participated in a symposium on the theme of protecting the family, which was organized by Salahaddin University’s Islamic Sciences College, Salahaddin Ayubi Centre for Research. The symposium was held as part of the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women and included several panels and activities.

The MPs thanked the organizers for holding the event to highlight the importance of protecting families.