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Committees' recent meetings - 3 December 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent meetings and activities:

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

30 November - The committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf Beg (Change Movement), met with senior staff of the KRG Interior Ministry, including the main General Director, the General Director of regional police, and police majors and brigadiers.

The committee explained a project that they have prepared on the retirement of local and security forces and the opening of officers’ courses.

The committee and the ministry also discussed the problem of promotions, with ranks such as officials, directors and investigating officers remaining in bases, sections and directorates and exceeding the legal terms of their posts.

The reorganization and unification of all guard forces within the framework of a guard unit was covered, including employees who have taken training courses but have not yet been given their rank.

The committee asked the Interior Ministry to work on those issues, and the ministry officials provided the necessary information and explanations and pledged to resolve them.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

30 November 2020 - The Committee, led by the chair Dr. Jiwan Younis Rojbayani (KDP), held their weekly meeting.

The committee discussed the response from the General Board of the Kurdistani Areas and the situation in the town of Makhmour, and decided to ask Makhmour’s authorities for a meeting soon.

All the reports and notes sent to the committee by the public were read and discussed, and received responses or were directed to Parliament’s presidency for the required follow-up.