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Committees' recent meetings - 9 December 2020

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee      

6 December - the Committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), met with the KRG Minister of Education Alan Hama Saeed, Deputy Minister Dr. Saiwan Ali, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Dr. Abdul Fattah Abdul Razaq, and ministry staff.

The topics covered in the meeting included the higher education study process in this academic year in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the curricula at universities and institutes, private schools, lecturers’ financial rights, free education for children of martyrs and Anfal victims, and 12th grade high school exams in all districts.

The ministers and ministry staff explained their views and concerns. The committee stressed that as far as is possible this academic year should not be wasted, as the health impact of the Coronavirus is improving.

Ongoing coordination with the Parliament committee and finding a suitable solution to all the issues was discussed as well.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

7 December 2020 - The Committee, led by the chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), met with the KRG Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, Abdullah Haji Mahmood Mohammad.

The meeting began with a minute’s silence in memory of Kurdistan’s martyrs.

The committee and Minister Abdullah Haji Mahmood discussed the steps taken to implement the Reform Law by reviewing and correcting the lists of claimants of benefits and privileges for martyrs, Anfal victims and political prisoners.

Another part of the meeting covered political prisoners’ benefits, which had been suspended for several months. KRG decided to issue the benefits again. In response to the committee questioning why the decisions were not implemented, the Minister said, "Once the review and correction of the list of persons making claims for financial entitlements as political prisoners is completed, distribution of the grants will begin."

Amending the law on the rights and privileges of familes of martyrs and Anfal victims was discussed, and both sides agreed to coordinate on amending the law so that it does more to serve those families.

Other topics on the agenda were how to monitor education and health services given to martyrs' children, and how the Kurdistani civilians killed and buried in mass graves in Iraq can be recognized as victims of genocide.

MPs asked the Minister to prevent NGOs from causing offence to families of martyrs through inappropriate donations or actions, and asked that deeds to land given to some families of martyrs be registered, and not delayed any longer.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

7 December 2020 - The Committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition) visited Erbil Prison Directorate and met with its new director, Captain Adnan Muhammad Khoshnaw.

The committee followed up with Captain Khoshnaw on some cases and asked him how the human rights of the prisoners are ensured and upheld.

The prison director said, "Our main problem is the lack of space and the overcrowding”, and he made some suggestions to the committee to follow up.

The delegation met with a representative of the prisoners to hear their problems and demands, which they pledged to raise with the relevant parties.

Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

7 December- The Committee, led by the chair Jiwan Younis Rojbayani (KDP), held their regular meeting.

The MPs discussed the general situation in the Kurdistani areas outside the Region's administration and the Sinjar Agreement between the KRG and the Iraqi federal government, some of which is now being implemented.

The committee's meeting in the near future with the relevant authorities in Makhmour town was also covered.

All the reports and notes sent to the committee were read and either received replies or were directed to Parliament’s presidency for further work.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

6 December – Members of the committee Mala Waisi (KDP), Faesal Qadir (PUK) and Zahir Khailany (KDP), attended the graduation of two mullahs at the mosque and hujra (Islamic school) of Sheikh Hamad Amin Khailany.

The MPs congratulated both teachers on their certificates and wished them success in serving Islam and the people of Kurdistan. They asked them to spread the message of forgiveness, love and coexistence. They also referred to the prominent role of religious colleges in promoting science, culture and nationhood, and their support for more attention to be given to students from religious studies schools in Kurdistan Region.

The awarding of science certificates to Kurdish mullahs after completing their Islamic studies has a long history in the Kurdistan Region.

7 December - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Hawraman Gacheney (KIG), met with Minister of Education Dr. Alan Hama Saeed, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Abdul Fattah Abdul Razaq, and the General Director of the Ministry of Endowments Abbas Saleh.

The issue covered included solving the problems of religious education in the Kurdistan Region, the issue of religious teachers who have PhD degrees or have not been given permission to study outside the region. They also discussed the proper titles of religious teachers and endowments employees.

The three ministries’ representatives responded to the committee's questions expressed their readiness to resolve the issues as much as possible. They agreed on the need for more coordination.