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Deputy Speaker Hawrami at meeting to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities: "Parliament will work to amend the law"

2 December- To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Kurdistan Parliament held a special meeting with the participation of Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, Ideal NGO for persons with disabilities, and government officials. 

Nadir Yousef, the head of Ideal NGO, called on the Kurdistan Parliament to amend the law on persons with disabilities and special needs or pass a new law, to better reflect their needs and situation. He said that they should not be considered as third and fourth-class citizens.

From the Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Director General of the ministry's Diwan and the Director for Persons with Special Needs were also in the meeting.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said, "Kurdistan Parliament through the Social Affairs and Human Rights Committee will make concerted efforts to amend Law No. 22 of 2011, in cooperation with all the relevant organizations."

Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), chair of Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, said, "The committees have always been working to solve the problems of people with special needs with the relevant stakeholders, and is now preparing a draft amendment to the law on the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities". 

Dilshad Mahmood Salman, the Director General of the Diwan of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, said, "We expect that the KRG Council of Ministers will soon send their amendments to the law."

Mr. Salman also noted that this year the Ministry has granted only 534 licenses for the care of the disabled, and for the first time a centre for assessment of persons with disabilities will be opened in Erbil.

A film was screened on the lives and livelihoods of persons with disabilities, and their demands from Parliament and Government.