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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Germany's new Consul General Mr. Klemens Semtner

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 22 December welcomed Germany's new Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Klemens Semtner.

At the meeting they were joined by MPs Bapir Kamala (Social Democratic), Robina Oimalek (National Union Coalition) and Shadi Nawzad (Independent).

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Mr. Semtner on his posting in Erbil, and gave him an overview of Parliament's parties, quota system for women, reserved seats for Kurdistan's religious and ethnic components, and the work of the committees. 

Dr. Hawrami said that as well as the ongoing work of scrutinizing the KRG and passing legislation, Kurdistan Parliament's priorities are to: look into the recent demonstrations in Slemani governorate, heal the wounds from them and encourage dialogue; monitor the KRG negotiating team’s talks with Baghdad on Kurdistan’s financial rights and other outstanding issues; and to work on a Kurdistan Constitution.

The Deputy Speaker and Consul General Semtner agreed on taking practical steps to strengthen Kurdistan Parliament’s relations with Germany’s federal parliament and state parliaments. Dr. Hawrami said that Kurdistan can learn from the Bundestag’s experience and expertise and exchange ideas.

Dr. Hawrami thanked Germany for its decisive support for the Peshmerga forces in the war against ISIS, and for Germany’s projects in education, commerce, and humanitarian assistance to IDPs and refugees. He also appreciated the Bundestag’s vote to renew the German armed forces’ mandate in Iraq to provide ongoing training and assistance.