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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Netherlands new Consul General Hans Akerboom

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 December welcomed Hans Akerboom, the Netherlands’ new Consul General in Kurdistan Region.
Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Mr. Akerboom on his new posting to Kurdistan Region, and said that the Kurdistan Parliament hopes to develop good ties with the Netherlands Parliament.
The Deputy Speaker gave an overview of Parliament’s parties, women’s quota and seats reserved for ethnic and religious communities, as well as the latest political and economic situation, and discussions between Erbil and Baghdad.
Deputy Speaker Hawrami said, "Parliament supports the KRG’s efforts in its negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government to solve the issues according to the Iraqi Constitution, including the budget and financial dues owed to Kurdistan Region.”
Consul General Akerboom said that closer relations would be beneficial, and hoped that all the outstanding issues will be resolved through dialogue and within the framework of the Iraqi Constitution.