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KRG negotiating team to explain to Parliament outcome of latest talks with Iraqi Federal Government

On Monday 28 December, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s team for negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government will explain the outcome of their latest talks with Baghdad to the Kurdistan Parliament. Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, who leads the negotiations, and the other KRG officials will meet with Parliament’s Presidency, heads of the parliamentary parties and three parliament committees at 11am.

Saman Ahmed, Kurdistan Parliament's Media Director, said "Together with Deputy Prime Minister Talabani, the KRG ministers of Finance and Economy, Planning, the Minister of the Region for Negotiations with the Federal Government, the Head of the Council of Ministers, the Secretary of the Council of Ministers and the Head of the Office of Coordination and Follow-Up will come to the Kurdistan Parliament."

The Kurdistan Parliament on 16 December (in letter number 2906) asked the Kurdistan Regional Government to come to Parliament to explain the results of the negotiations, and the Council of Ministers responded on 23 December (in their letter number 9019) that they will attend on 28 December.