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Law on Illegally Taken or Used Land in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities to be amended

Kurdistan Parliament's Municipalities Committee, led by the chair Luqman Wardy (PUK) on 8 December met with the mayors and the director generals of the municipalities of Erbil, Slemani, Duhok, Halabja and the independent administrations, and a representative of the Diwan of the KRG Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism, to consult with them about the principles and problems of implementing the Law on Illegally Taken or Used Land in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities (Law No. 3 of 2019).

The MPs explained the background to the law, the reasons for its passage, the regulations within the law and the stages of implementation, and asked the government officials for their comments and suggestions. 

The mayors, director generals for the municipalities and ministry representative set out the problems and obstacles to implementing the law and suggested amending some articles so that the legislation better serves the public.

The MPs and the government representatives agreed on more cooperation to ensure that shortcomings in legislation can be prevented or minimized.

The parliament committee asked the government officials to formally send all their comments and suggestions to the committee within two weeks, so that Parliament can begin preparing amendments to the law.