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Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Minister Safeen Dizayee, Head of KRG Department of Foreign Relations

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 15 December welcomed Minister Safeen Dizayee, the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, and his staff.

The Deputy Head of the DFR, Daban Shadala, also met with the Speaker.

Speaker Faiq and Minister Dizayee discussed the adverse impact of the Coronavirus on the work of the DFR.

The Speaker expressed Kurdistan Parliament’s support for the development and progress of the DFR’s work and asked the DFR to work closely with Parliament’s Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee.

Minister Dizayee said that the DFR will fulfill all its responsibilities to the Kurdistan Parliament generally and to the Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee in particular. He said that currently carrying out the DFR’s work is very challenging due to the Coronavirus pandemic.