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Committees' recent meetings - 13 February 2020

Committee on Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

12 February - The committee discussed drafting their report on their recent meetings with the directorates for offender rehabilitation in Erbil and Slemani, including the problems that were identified and possible solutions. Vice-chair Ms. Gulistan Said (Change Movement) chaired the meeting.

The MPs also discussed their report on their meeting at the Kurdistan Region Judicial Council, at which they discussed the offenders’ complaints and demands.

The committee decided to hold a joint meeting with Parliament’s Legislative Committee regarding the criteria for allowing offenders to have conditional release, and to discuss holding a workshop on amending Law No. 22 (2011) on the rights and privileges of people with disabilities and people with special needs in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq.

Martyrs Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

12 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Sawsan Mirkhan (KDP), discussed the repatriation of remains of civilians killed in the Anfal Genocide campaign of the 1980s, discovered in mass graves in Samawa, southern Iraq.

The MPs looked at the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs’ preparations for repatriating the remains of the Anfal genocide victims from Samawa.

They decided to have ongoing discussions with the ministry on the issue of repatriation generally.

They also discussed the quality of services provided to the public by the governorates’ general directorates of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, and how they follow the applicable laws.

The agenda also included several official genocide remembrance events that will be held in March and April.

The committee decided to discuss ways to lobby for genocide awareness and advocate for survivors’ rights, in cooperation with the ministry.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

12 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Salma Fatih (PUK), welcomed the head of the Journalists Union and his delegation. The Head of the Journalists Union briefed the MPs on the state of journalism in Kurdistan and the laws used in this area.

The challenges that journalists face and digital media were another focus of the meeting.

The Committee emphasized their cooperation and support to help resolve journalists’ problems, respecting freedom of expression as long as it does not conflict with the principle of respecting human dignity.

The same day, the committee welcomed the Director General and Deputy Director General of Kurdistan’s Youth Affairs. The managers explained their management, staff numbers, problems, shortcomings, and activities. They stressed the importance of employing youth and helping them to contribute to various sectors in Kurdistan, through training courses and workshops.

The committee commended the directors’ efforts and emphasized that the impact and role of youth is very significant in all developed countries. The committee asked to follow up and coordinate with the directorate on their work of supporting young people in Kurdistan.

Integrity Committee

12 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Shirin Amin (Change), held their regular meeting.

The MPs decided to set up a subcommittee to visit Slemani investigative department and Halabja and Ranya investigative offices, which are part of the Kurdistan Integrity Commission. Their aim is to get information on several corruption cases and to look at the available legal remedies.

The committee responded in detail to all the notes and complaints submitted to them, and some were forwarded to the relevant authorities. All the comments and complaints were about corruption cases and waste of public funds and assets.