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Committees' recent meetings - 26 February 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

24 February - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP) and Health Minister Dr. Saman Barzanji discussed the novel Corona virus. Minister Barzanji gave an overview of the virus and the number of patients, and explained the Kurdistan Regional Government’s preventive measures.

The minister said that Kurdistan has stepped up its efforts to counter the virus after its outbreak in Iran. He added that a high committee has been formed in the ministry and said, "Most of the borders are closed, and those who have come from Iran to Kurdistan are in quarantine."

The Committee asked Minister Barzanji about the necessary medical facilities and experienced staff in the field.

After the meeting, Dr. Zebari and Dr. Barzanji in a press conference briefed the public about their meeting to the public, and the minister stressed that until now no case of the disease was registered in Kurdistan Region.

Social Affairs and Human Rights Committee

24 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Gulistan Said (Change Movement), welcomed Robin Gari, Head of the Institute for International Law and Human Rights, and his team.

They discussed how to amend and improve the Amended Law on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Mr. Gari’s expressed team said they are ready to advise the committee on it.

The committee decided to hold further discussions on the law at future meetings.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

24 February - The committee met with the KRG Directorate for NGOs and discussed making amendments to the NGO law. They discussed making amendments to the law so that NGOs are more active and effective in their work outcomes, and to make NGO establishment and registration easier. 

25 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Salma Fatih (PUK), held their weekly meeting. They discussed the project of proposals for an electronic media bill. The bill has been commissioned by several advisers and consists of 21. The committee decided to hold seminars and workshops on the bill to get more views and suggestions from experts.

Legislative Committee

24 February - The committee met with the Dr. Kamal Warty, the KRG General Director of Taxation, to discuss implementing the laws in force on corporate taxes and fees. Dr. Warty said that his directorate has suggested legislation to the Council of Ministers on organising and regulating taxation, and the Council of Ministers is working on it currently.  

25 February - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Bizhar Kocher (KDP), held their usual meeting. They discussed the bill on anti-smuggling of oil and oil products in Kurdistan Region. The bill had its first reading in the chamber in the autumn 2019 session.

The Committee decided to submit their views and recommendations in the form of a final report to the Presidency of Parliament, so that the bill can be scheduled for its second reading in the chamber.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners

24 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), met with the Minister for Martyrs Affairs Abdullah Haji Mahmood, and Dr. Vala Fareed the Minister of the Region for Parliamentary Affairs.

They discussed the repatriation of remains of Anfal victims found in mass graves in Samawa, southern Iraq, and the ministry’s necessary plans.

They also discussed preparations for several genocide remembrance ceremonies in March and April.

The committee submitted all the notes, complaints, and questions from the public to the Ministry.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

20 February- The committee, led by the chair Mr. Abdulsatar Majeed (KIG), held their weekly meeting. They discussed the problems for the public and farmers with regard to fruit markets in Kurdistan. The committee also discussed how to deal with the public and businessmen at border crossings.

The committee decided to set up a number of subcommittees to visit fruit markets and border posts next week to follow up on the issues. The committee also decided to meet with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources next month.