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Committees' recent meetings - 27 February 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities:

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee

26 February – The committee, led by the chair Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP), discussed holding several national meetings with women’s rights organisations, ministries and government departments as the first step in in informing and debating with civil society on the committee’s plan to draft several pieces of legislation.

They decided that the second step should be to discuss legislative proposals and organisations’ recommendations with the government, parliament, judges and courts.

They agreed that in the spring legislative session that begins in March the most important legislation to work on is a Bill on the High Council of Women’s Affairs.    

Integrity Committee

26 February - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Shirin Amin (Change Movement), held their regular meeting. They decided to meet with the Head of the Integrity Commission next week to discuss some cases that have been sent to the Commission for investigation.

The committee also decided to hold a joint meeting with Parliament’s Municipalities Committee on problems with water supply and charging.

They decided to meet with the KRG Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to discuss corruption cases at some universities.

The committee discussed all the complaints and requests submitted by the public. They replied to some, and directed others to relevant authorities.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

26 February - The committee discussed the decision to cancel conditional release for prisoners in Erbil’s and Slemani’s offender rehabilitation centres. Prisoners have complained to the committee about the decision and asked them to intervene.

The MPs also discussed alternatives to imprisonment for offenders who merit it.

The committee members met with the Head of Kurdistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission Mr. Diya Butros and his staff, and delivered people’s messages and complaints to them.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

26 February - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Hawre Mala Star (PUK) discussed residential units provided by the Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction for people on low-incomes, but that have not yet been completed. The committee decided to create three sub-committees to look into the cases.

The MPs also decided to meet with the KRG Reconstruction and Housing Minister to ask them to resolve the public’s problems and complaints. . 

The MPs replied to all the written requests and complaints sent to them by the public.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

26 February - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), welcomed Head of Human Rights Commission Mr. Diya Butros and his delegation. They discussed the Law on Access to Information and the obstacles to implementing it.

They agreed that the barriers to implementing the law should be removed, and that a dialogue between the Parliament committee, the Human Rights Commission, and the KRG’s departments on media is necessary. 

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

26 February - The committee members visited the Directorate of Endowments in the town of Shaqlawa, which has a large Christian community. The current situation in Kurdistan and the important role of clerics in raising public awareness of sensitive or controversial issues was discussed.

The committee also visited the church in Shaqlawa and discussed with Priest Annis protecting the peaceful coexistence that Kurdistan enjoys between religions and communities. They agreed that Kurdistan’s peaceful inter-religious coexistence is a model for the region.

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee

26 February - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Luqman Wardi (PUK), held their weekly meeting.

The MPs discussed coordinating with the Ministry of Municipalities on reviewing municipal fees for shops’ sign boards and commercial spaces, and the new rates are expected to be significantly lower. 

The Committee also discussed the public’s complaints about household water meters, and Law No. 3 of 2019 on Ownership of Lands that have been Illegally Used or Taken in the Municipalities of the Kurdistan Region.

 The Committee responded to the notes, complaints, and requests sent by the public or referred them to the appropriate authorities.