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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Secretary Kahveci remember victims of 1st February 2004 terrorist attacks

On the day of remembrance for the victims the 1st February 2004 twin terrorist attacks in Erbil 16 years ago, Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Secretary Kahveci and MPs attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial to the victims.

At the ceremony in Sami Abdul Rahman Park in Erbil, attended by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, several cabinet ministers, Kurdistani MPs from the Iraqi House of Representatives and foreign consuls, the Deputy Speaker laid a wreath at the memorial on behalf of Parliament.

The terrorist attacks of 1st February 2004 in Erbil killed 101 people and injured 246. Suicide bombers detonated themselves at the offices of the PUK and KDP, as they welcomed guests on the Muslim Jezni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha) holy feast day. Those killed included children, senior government officials and politicians.