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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Germany's Consul General Barbara Wolf

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 10 February welcomed Ms. Barbara Wolf, Germany's Consul General in Erbil.

Consul General Wolf was accompanied by Ms. Barbara Schumacher, the Political, Economic and Humanitarian Affairs Consul.

MPs Mr. Faesal Qadir (PUK), Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP), and Mr. Balen Ismaeel (Change) also met with the German officials. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that there was political will from both the Government and Parliament to pass the Reform Law, and MPs and government held lengthy debates before it was passed. President of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani signed the bill into law on 4th February.

Mr. Hawrami said that other areas that are on the reform agenda for the current Parliamentary term are amendments to the investment law, reform of government administration and ministries.

Consul General Wolf said that making amendments to the Investment Law could help to attract German companies to invest in Kurdistan.

On the Kurdistan Constitution, the Deputy Speaker said that Parliament's Presidency had met with all of the political parties to get them behind its drafting in the near future.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Germany's continued support for the Peshmerga forces,  as a partner in the international coalition, is essential to prevent the reemergence of ISIS.

Mr. Hawrami and Ms. Wolf also discussed developments in Iraq and Syria, and the dialogue between Baghdad and the KRG on the 2020 budget.