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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Kuwait Consul General Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2 February met with Kuwait’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi. The Consul General said that Kurdistan Region is a good model for rest of Iraq to follow.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami briefed Dr. Al-Kanderi on the passage of the recently Reform Law through Parliament, which took many days of work by the committees, and two days of lively debate by MPs in the chamber. Eighty-nine of Parliament’s 111 MPs voted in favour of the law.

Dr. Al-Kanderi said that Kurdistan can be a model for the rest of Iraq to follow, in terms of stability, protecting peaceful coexistence and making efforts at good governance and reform.

The Deputy Speaker and Kuwaiti Consul General also discussed the political situation in Iraq and the Middle East and the dialogue between Erbil and Baghdad on the 2020 budget and other outstanding issues.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan and Iraq need the continued support of the international coalition to prevent the reemergence of ISIS, which is a real and present risk.