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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Norway's Special Envoy Knut Lein

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 February met with Mr. Knut Lein, Norway's Special Envoy for Syria and Iraq, and Norway's Ambassador to Iraq and Jordan Tone Allers.

MPs Ms. Shadi Nawzad (Independent), Ms. Robena Oimalek (National Union Coalition), and Mala Waisi (KDP) also met with the Norwegian officials. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that there is a high risk of ISIS reemerging, hence continued international coalition support is needed.

Mr. Lein said that Norway will continue to support the Iraqi forces and will continue its humanitarian assistance. 

They agreed on the need for better governance, services and security to prevent the return of terrorism in Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and the Norwegian officials also discussed the recent developments and political situation in Iraq and the wider region.