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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Sweden’s Ambassador to Iraq Lars Ronnås

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2 February welcomed Sweden’s new Ambassador to Iraq Lars Ronnås, on his first visit to the Kurdistan Parliament. Ambassador Ronnås said that the recently passed Reform Law is very encouraging and goes to the heart of public management.

MPs mr. Balen Ismaeel (Change), Mr. Karwan Gazneyi (PUK) and Ms. Najat Dilo (KDP) also met with the Ambassador.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Ambassador Ronnås on his appointment in October 2019. Both commented on the strong relations between Kurdistan Region and Sweden and inter-parliamentary ties, and the contribution of the large Kurdish community to Swedish society.

Mr. Hawrami said that the Reform Law passed in January 2020 is an important first step in the KRG coalition government’s reform program that was approved by MPs by vote of confidence. Some of the other areas of reform on the agenda will be Peshmerga forces, the investment law, income and taxation.

Ambassador Ronnås that he was very glad to hear that the Kurdistan Parliament is addressing key issues to strengthen society.

The Deputy Speaker said that the continued support of the International Coalition is crucial to prevent the reemergence against ISIS, which threatens Kirkuk, Mosul and Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area. Sweden is a partner in the International Coalition to defeat ISIS and has carried out military training in Kurdistan.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Ambassador Ronnås also discussed the Erbil-Baghdad talks on the Iraq 2020 budget and other outstanding issues, and the current political developments.