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Higher Education Committee look into delays and contraventions, meet with university presidents

9 February - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Abdulsalam Dolamari (KDP), held their weekly meeting. They discussed the failure of some universities to comply with the bridging system and to lower their annual student tuition fees set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The committee decided to formally invite the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to attend a committee meeting to discuss the issues relevant to the ministry.

The MPs also discussed the Kurdistan Regional Government’s delay in issuing guidelines for study leave, and in deciding on equalization (recognition) of degrees from the private universities of Kitab, Qalam, Nur and Hadba, which were opened in Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area.

The committee decided to formally call to Parliament the Head of the Diwan of the KRG Council of Ministers to ask him about the delays.

The same day, the committee also met separately with the presidents of Salahaddin University and Erbil Polytechnic University, and discusssed the Ministry of Higher Education’s exams process.

The committee asked in detail about the preparatory work for masters and doctoral examinations. They also gave their suggestions to the presidents of both universities.