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Kurdistan delegation's meetings on second day of Munich Security Conference

On 15 February, the second day of the Munich Security Conference, Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami accompanied Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and his delegation to meetings with heads of government, ministers and parliamentarians.

US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper

In their meeting with US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper, the Kurdistan Region delegation discussed the situation and recent developments in Iraq and the region, Secretary Esper said that Kurdistan Region is an important partner with the US in the area.

Secretary Esper said, “We will continue to support and train the Peshmerga forces to confront terrorism and ISIS.”

The Kurdistan Region delegation thanked the Secretary of Defence for the US’s support, and emphasized that the partnership between Kurdistan and the US is very important for the security of Kurdistan, Iraq and the wider region. The continued presence of international coalition forces is vital, they said.

Russia’s Foreign Minister

Another key meeting was with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. They discussed the situation in Syria, and the Kurdistan Region delegation asked Russia side to mediate and take into account the rights of Syria’s ethnic and religious components.

Netherlands Prime Minister and Secretary General of Arab League

With the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte they discussed bilateral relations and the political, economic and security situation in Kurdistan. They also met with Secretary General of Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Kuwait Prime Minister

Prime Minister Al-Sabah said that Kurdistan Region plays an important regional role and provides good opportunities for investment, adding that Kuwait sets great store by strengthening commercial ties with Kurdistan Region.

The Kurdistan Region delegation said that foreign investors get equal treatment under the law and will get support to help them in the investment process.

They also discussed the political situation in Iraq and the wider region.

German Parliament delegation

The Kurdistan Region officials met with members of the German Parliament from the ruling coalition parties, including Dr. Nils Schmid (SPD), Dr. Fritz Felgentreu (SPD), Patrick Schnieder (CDU/CSU), Christian Schmidt (CSU) and Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU/CSU).  

The German MPs said that Kurdistan Region has an important role for stability of Iraq and the wider region, and they reassured that Germany will continue to support and train the Peshmerga forces.

Prime Minister Barzani thanked the German MPs and the Federal Government of Germany their support. He outlined the KRG’s reform agenda and plans for economic diversification and more investment.