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Parliament committee announce their findings on the death of Majid Brahim

The Kurdistan Parliament committee that was formed to look into the death of Majid Brahim (also known as Majid Haruty), who died while detained by Erbil Security, presented their findings on the case on 30 January:

The committee was formed from members of the Peshmerga Committee and the Social Affairs and Human Rights Committee.

The committee was chaired by Mr. Osman Kareem Siwara (PUK), and the members were: Mr. Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition)), Mr. Rizgar Shahid Nagrey (Change), Mr. Said Harki (KDP), Ms. Hasiba Gardi (KDP), Mr. Himdad Sabah (Turkmen Front), Mr. Zekri Zebari (PUK), Ms. Shadi Nawzad New Generation) and their Advisor Dr. Waadi Sleman Ali.

The committee visited the Erbil General Directorate of Security (Asayish) and discussed the case of Majid Brahim’s death in detail with the Directorate. We also discussed with the Asayish how Majid Brahim was arrested, detained and died. The Asayish gave the committee its full support and assistance, so that the committee was able to investigate every aspect of the case.

Then the committee went to the Anti-Narcotics Directorate and met with its Director and relevant officers, who gave the Committee members all of the evidence and documents related to the case.

The officers and staff of the Asayish and the prison showed the Parliament committee Majid Brahim’s place of death, and responded to all of the committee’s related questions.

The committee visited Erbil Forensics Committee, which had carried out its own investigation on Majid Brahim’s death and examined his body. The deceased’s body was sent to the Forensics departments in Koya and Slemani, and MP Mr. Osman Siwara (PUK) visited them to learn the results of their investigations.

The Parliament committee also visited the family of Majid Brahim and gathered their accounts of the case and of how Mr. Brahim was arrested.  

The committee has carried out its task and responsibility of looking into the case. We await the final report from the court and other relevant bodies. The Parliament committee supports the Asayish General Directorate’s report on the case, and we did not find a single point that contradicts the Asayish’s account of the case. We the committee will continue to follow this case until the final report from the relevant authorities and institutions (the court and the forensics department) is presented to the public.