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Parliament's Presidency honour victims of 1st February 2004 twin terrorist attacks

On the 16th anniversary of the 1st February 2004 twin terrorist attacks in Erbil, which killed 101 people including senior government officials, politicians and children, Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami conveyed the following messages.

Message from Speaker Rewas Faiq

Sixteen years ago, on 1st February 2004, members of the PUK and KDP were killed in horrific twin terrorist attacks in Erbil. It was perpetrated on the Muslim Feast day, Jezhni Qurban (Eid Al-Adha).

This monstrous conspiracy proved that the terrorists are against humanity and freedom. Fortunately our nation stands together united, we have made Kurdistan stronger and more prosperous.

We must remember that protecting Kurdistan’s political and legal achievements requires more unity among all the political parties, and that serving the people of Kurdistan must be our core task.

We remember and honour the victims of that tragic day, and commend their families for their strength and perseverance.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker

1 February 2020

Message from Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami 

Sixteen years ago, in twin terrorist attacks, Kurdish politicians and members of the public were killed and injured. The terrorists’ cowardly operations proved that they were aimed at all people, not a particular party.

The tragedy reminds us that our people and political parties must be more united, that we must not give our enemies the opportunity to destroy our achievements.

We remember and honour the victims of those terrorist attacks and all the martyrs of Kurdistan.

Hemin Hawrami

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker

1st February 2020