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Speaker Rewas Faiq participates in three Kurdistan presidencies meeting on Iraqi government formation

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 24 February participated in a meeting of the three presidencies of Kurdistan and political party leaders, to discuss Kurdistan's recent talks with Baghdad on the formation of the next Iraqi cabinet.

The participants issued a statement following the meeting. 

President Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, representatives of Kurdistan's political parties and the KRG's negotiating team with Baghdad were at the meeting. They discussed the current situation in Iraq and the formation of Mr. Allawi's new cabinet.

They also discussed how the political situation in Iraq may develop, mechanisms for coordination by all the political parties in Kurdistan, and insistence on Kurdistan's constitutional rights as a constitutional entity. 

Read the statement by the three presidencies and political party leaders.